ios - MagicalRecord 2.3.2 MR_saveToPersistentStoreWithCompletion not updating right away -

i using (magicalrecord, 2.3.2). cannot figure out why using mr_savetopersistentstorewithcompletion on mr_defaultcontext gives me "updating fail!" , therefore cannot update entry right away.

[[nsmanagedobjectcontext mr_defaultcontext] mr_savetopersistentstorewithcompletion:^(bool success, nserror *error){         if (success){             nslog(@"updating success!");         }         else{              nslog(@"updating fail!");         }}]; 

mr_savewithoptions:completion: being called mr_savetopersistentstorewithcompletion: , bool haschanges no.

when checked thread call stack in, issue in case, thread nil: {number = 14, name = (null)}

so set main thread , fixed update.


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